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Contact Malwarebytes 4.0.4 Help and customer support +1-855-536-5666
Malware bytes 4.0.4 is a new product of malwarebytes . Malwarebytes 4.0.4 unifies the three products into a single one the anti-malware , anti-exploit, anti- ransomware  and malicious website protection.

The new interface of Malwarebytes 4.0.4 offers three tabs:
1. Detection History: Clicking on a section will cause a flyout overlay to appear where you can changing settings, view the quarantine, or perform a scan of all the sections.
2. Scanner : Other than that, the rest of the sections contain the same functionaality as the previous version.
3. Real-Time Protection : In this sections users can now easily manage the different protections, but also see stats on the malicious sites, ransomware, exploits, or malware and PUPs that Malwaerbytes 4.0 has prevented.

Malwarebytes 4.0 comes with a new scanning engine called "Katana" that includes the following features:

Improved zero-hour detection – pinpoints new threats as they arise and before they can wreak havoc on your device
Expanded malware detection – blocks even more malware for improved protection
Signature-less behavioral detection – identifies the latest variants of dangerous malware families that attempt to evade traditional signatures through runtime packing, obfuscation and encryption, offering instant protection against new threats that traditional AV has a hard time detecting

1. Double click on the downloaded installation file to begin the installation.
2. Run the file when the download is complete.
3. Choose Yes if the User Account Control dialog appears.
4. The installer will take you through a few options just click Next to use the default settings.
5. After the installation is complete , just click Finish and Malwarebytes Anti-Malware will automatically start..
